Monday 21 January 2013


Well hello there! Finally I started using my blogspot account. 
As you might have noticed, my account was created July 2012. It was for the purpose that I can post comments whenever I visit different fashion blogs.
But now, finally in all means. I am creating my own. :) 

Believe it or not, I am at our school's e-lib right now. 
So my resources are limited since there are just limited websites we can visit. :))

My first blog will be showing you guys my favorite blogs of all time. 

1. Dani Barretto's blog

I love how Ms. Dani B is. I saw her during the BU4 event.
I swear! She is prettier in person. 
I love the fact that she made her own name without using her family background.
I for one thing does not know that she is related to the Barretto's. (well aside from her surname)
I love her and the chemistry she makes with Mikyle.
I found out about Mikyle's blog because she speaks of her too much.
And now, Mikyle's blog became one of my favorites too.

2. Vern Enciso's blog

As for Ms. Vern Enciso, she is a very down to earth blogger. :)
I found out about her blog when I was looking at some clothes in Apartment 8 Clothing's fb page.
They said that she was a blogger. I searched for her name in Google then there.
I love her! She dresses well. Plus, she is the first blogger who replied to my email or tweet. <3
If ever she gets to read this, HI MS. VERN! :)

3. Mikyle Quizon's blog

YES! Mikyle's blog is one of my latest fave.
I know it's a guy blog. His post would be for men but then there is something about his blog that makes me want to read about it. Plus, I recommend his style to my boyfriend. HAHA.

4. Laureen Uy's blog

As they say in Gossip Girl, "I love you. Always have, always will".
This is me with break my style. It is the very first blog I ever knew.
I remember I used to save images of Laureen and sync it to my iPod.
Her blog will and always will be my favorite.
Hi Ms. Laureen Uy! BMS!

So there you go. My favorite blogs. :)
I now need to go because my boyfriend's class just ended and he's waiting for me. HAHA.

PS: Those are my fave blogs that I even have their blogs saved on my iPad home screen. :p
xx. Ana A.

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