Wednesday 9 October 2013


Its been a while since I last posted on this little blog of mine.
I concentrated with school and exta-curricular that all I ever do online is facebook, twitter, IG and google for my homework.
Sembreak has already started and so I have time to blog again. Yay!

Anyways, with the title, I NEED TO BE THINNER.
I have this cliche idea that I will slim down w/o working out. :)) 
And so I stacked up cereals for me to replace with my breakfast and dinner.
I eat normal food for lunch. Rice and I bid goodbyes too for a week now. 
I do workout but not the serious one. I only do it because my body aches when I don't.
I do 30 mins treadmill, 15 mins stationary bike and some stretching and sit-ups.

I gained so much weight when I entered college. 
I read in a book that it is really a thing when you enter college. Proven! Haha.
Also, they say that when you are fond of the one you are dating, you'll gain weight too. Proven again! 
I am a living proof to those two! Lol.

Maybe with a bit more dedication, I WILL BE THINNER. 

Have a happy sembreak. 
xx. Ana A. 

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