Thursday 9 April 2015

Mt. Pulag 2015

I'm back after two years of not posting anything on my blog.
I must admit that real life bloggers must have been really dedicated in keeping a blog going because there are really times where one would feel lazy.
But you know what they say,
"Do what you love and love what you do"

Anyway, last holy week, I went to Baguio with my family. We have relatives living there so Baguio is more of a 2nd home. <3

Although Baguio was not the main agenda. The main purpose of the trip is to go to Mt. Pulag which is 3 hours away from  Baguio.
We got in Baguio Thursday afternoon and left for Mt. Pulag at 6AM, Friday morning.

My dad suggested that we don't use our van and rent a jeep going to Mt. Pulag. And so we left our van in Baguio and had to use a jeep going to Mt. Pulag. I must say that compared to the jeeps we have here in Manila, the ones in Baguio are of good condition and are really CLEAN!!!!

There were only 9 of us inside the jeep. We got in Kabayan, Benguet at around 9AM. We had to first drop by the DOT office to register and to attend an orientation. 
Upon arriving in DOT, I was surprised to see a lot of people also waiting there for the orientation. 

Let me share to you some of the things I remember from the orientation. They said that Mt. Pulag is the 2nd highest mountain in the Philippines and the highest mountain in Luzon. It is a protected place and there are mainly 4 tribes residing near the place so tourists must observe some rules since some of the normal things we do are considered as taboo for them. So lovers must not kiss, hold hands or the like. They also said that one cannot make so much noise as the gods in there would be mad and would cause rain! 

People working in there belongs to the 4 tribes I mentioned above. Their salary arrives 11 months after so they really have to keep their lifestyle low to be able to survive. Before our trip, there were already some circulating news of typhoon. I almost thought our trip would be cancelled. But the day before our trip, we were told that we can still go to Mt. Pulag but would only be able to camp in the Ranger Station.

It basically works like this, from the DOT office, it is 45 mins travel time going to Mt. Pulag. Upon arriving in Mt. Pulag, it would be the Ranger station or the base camp. There are stores, food carts, CRs and souvenir shops in there. The tour guides will also meet you in there and that is where you will pay certain fees like environmental fee. There is also such thing called Porter. Porters are locals in there whose job is to carry your heavy stuffs so that you can hike with ease. Porters fee is based per kg.

From ranger station, it would take you 2 hours to get to Camp 1. Take note that the time depends on the phasing of your group. If you guys keep on resting because of tiredness, it would take you more time getting there.

Here are some of the photos I took in while hiking in the EASY trail.

There are some wild plants and animals that are only found in Mt. Pulag.

(the above photo is a poisonous one)

For someone like me who is not the outdoor, sporty, down and dirty type, I must admit that it was really very tiring to get there. Especially since I am suffering from cough and colds. So some of the few advice I can give you is that prepare for it. Like maybe do a jogging for a month to help you get going. Lol. Also, bring some chocolates with you to give you sugar rush. Drink water every stop you make. Listen to music as it helps you forget the feeling of tiredness. Then I don't know if this works for everyone but avoid talking too. As walking and talking makes you feel more tired. 

I did mention water. Don't worry if you guys ran out of water as the mountain provides natural water. Trust me! It's clean. I am the type of person whose stomach is sensitive to water. I did survive drinking the water in there overnight.

From camp 1, there is another hour to get to camp 2. Camp 2 is the camping station where you guys can set up a tent and stay for the night. 

We started hiking at 12PM and got to camp 2 at around 3PM. 
We started setting up tents (guides and porters were very nice as they would help you set up your tent and refill your waters and set up your food).

Despite the typhoon warning, the officials of Mt. Pulag still allowed tourists to go up since there was no rain yet and that the land fall of the typhoon would be Sunday morning. But they made it clear that once they say pull out, every one should go back to the ranger station.

As soon as everyone had settled in their tents and had freshen up, we started eating our late lunch/early dinner. It was said that camp lights must be off y 9PM. It was also said during the orientation to prepare for the VERY COLD HUMID at night.
Boy they were not kidding at all!!! I was waering 2 shirts, 1 jacket, 1 hoody, thermal gloves, normal socks, long socks, thermal socks, scarf and bonnet and tucked inside my sleeping bag and placed a blanket on top of it and it still was not enough!!!! Trust me. Do not underestimate the humid in there. It was said that it was 10 degrees in there during our stay. Sometimes it even reached 4 degrees or negative.

Also, do not worry about having the need to answer the call of mother nature or to pee as they provide cubicles where you can do such. Although they discourage washing your feet or your armpit or the like as they are using natural water and you might poison the other tribes staying in there.

We woke up at 3AM as we had to leave camp 2 by 4AM to start hiking again going to the summit to be able to see the sunrise and the sea of clouds. 

From camp 2, it was 2 hours to reach the summit.
It was freezing cold trying to reach the summit. And it was double freezing cold upon reaching the summit but it was worth it!

(I suggest you guys bring flashlights and headlights for going up the summit)

And like what everyone who has gone in there kept on saying, it was all worth it. The view in there was breath taking despite the coldness. I am speechless and can't even find the right words to explain it.

After enjoying the summit, we went back to camp 2.
(Upon going to the summit, you will leave your tent and other stuffs in camp 2)
We ate late breakfast and early lunch then had to pack up to go back to the ranger station.
Funny how while we were eating, it kind of turned dark and the OA in me kind of panicked and so I wrapped my bag in a trash bag if ever it rains. 

I saw a video in youtube and that's where I had the idea. Lol.
Over all, the experience was one for the books.
It was a very satisfying experience.

To go back down, you again have to walk for 3hours. :)
The time of your hike really depends on the phasing of your group. If yu guys keep on resting, the longer it will take for you to reach every points.

No bringing of pets
Yes, your rubber shoes will get really dirty
You can bring kids so long as they have the patience to walk
Make a prior reservation
Prepare well for the trip. Physically and all the stuffs you need.

Hope this posts helps all those who would want to go to Mt. Pulag.

Photos take using my #GlobeiPhone6 

xx, Ana :)

PS: Mt. Pulag got its name from the word Pulag which means bald in the language of the locals in there. Bald because the mountain does not have much trees. More on plants and grass. And so despite the very cold weather, BONFIRE is not allowed. 

You can refer to this facebook page to know more about Mt. Pulag or to book reservations.
Yes! You have to have prior reservation as they only allow 150 persons to enter.

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