Monday 28 October 2013


Last October 24 I attended the opening of Sunnies by Charlie station in MOA. The event started pretty early. As early as the opening of the mall. 10AM. A lot of people were already in line as the first 100 gets free sunnies. Yay! :)
Zalora was also present in the event as you can also buy Sunnies by Charlie in Zalora. 

The team behind Sunnies by Charlie is Georgina Wilson, Martine Cajucom, Bea Soriano and Eric Dee Jr. Having to arrive there early, I saw the team and I can absolutely say how dedicated they were as they were also there early. I think they were even there before 10AM. May I just also say that having to see them up close, they are the definition of pretty and classy. 

L to R: Martine Cajucom, Georgina Wilson, Bea Soriano, Eric Dee

Like I said, the first 100 gets free sunnies. So maybe as early as 6AM or 7AM there were already a lot of Sunnies fans waiting outside to be one of the lucky 100. 

Early birds waiting outside.

And when the mall doors opened..

Free sunnies stub

When the mall opened, there were also a lot of people who swarmed the Sunnies by Charlie store to buy sunnies. Trust me when I say A LOT!

Snapshots of how the station looks like:

Uniform of the Sunnies girls are just so cuuuute!

Snapshots of the event place for the VIP party.
I saw a lot of people from the same industry as the team behind Sunnies by Charlie who attended the VIP Party. Namely Gloria Diaz, Raymond Gutierez, Rajo Laurel, Isabelle Daza and a lot more. You can check out the pictures from the IG account of Sunnies by Charlie. (@sunniesbycharlie)
You can also view and like their facebook page:

Aside from free Sunnies, there were also free Magnum, Jamba Juice and Krispy Kreme. 

Thank you so much Sunnies by Charlie and the team behind it! :)
xx. Ana A.

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