Saturday 26 October 2013


I am studying in LPU Manila taking up Customs Administration.
My school especially in the field of my course has a lot to boast as we are always producing topnotchers and passers. Yey! :)
And you know how at the time of this year wherein the Customs Broker's Licensure Exam has just finished, I am so happy hearing all about the success of our batch 2013.
Last year, a student from our school got the first spot. This year, we have six students who got in the top 10.
4th Glecee Mamaril 90.75
5th Chisa Mamowalas 90.50
5th Jayvin Principe 90.50
6th Margarette Villatura 89.75
8th Desiree Pacunan 89.25
9th Stella Siguenza 89.00
The board exam was held last October 23 and 24 in MLQU.
It was mad by the Board for Customs Brokers in Manila, Cebu and Davao.
Exam results were released after two working days.
To give you the figures, 533 out of 1, 278 board takers passed the exam.
From LPU Manila, 42 first timers passed and 6 failed with an 87.50% percentage.
1 repeater passed while 6 failed. 16.67%
Total: 43 passed ; 11 failed.
79.63 passing rate for LPU Manila.

I am so happy to have met some of the passers and know the story behind them.
I am looking forward to be seeing them in the 2nd General Assembly of our organization, Philippine Society of Customs Administration Students (PSCAS) as it as been a tradition to have them visit and give a talk about their journey on passing as it inspires us students to graduate and pass the board too. Plus they give inspiring tips too. :)
As one of the professors in my school said, "There is no glory in graduation. The only true glory is when you pass the board exam." So congratulations again to the CBLE passers of batch 2013.

Soon it will be my turn. I hope I graduate on time. (2015)
Praying, working and crossing my fingers that just like them, ONE TAKE! :)
xx. Ana A.

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