Saturday 23 February 2013

Happy lemon, happy everyday

Last Thursday, it was our 18th month together.
We agreed on not celebrating such anymore but our class was cut early so we celebrated.
We went to Lucky Chinatown Mall in Binondo.
It was such a nice mall. Kudos to whoever owns it.
It was clean, not crowded, and has very good ventilation. 

We watched the movie Beautiful Creatures. In my opinion, I liked it better than Twilight.
Our movie had complimentary food. We got sour cream popcorn, which taste really good.
The seats on their cinema are cuddle-friendly. :) <3 
You can see in the picture that Mark and I are seating so close. No anything in between.

Then we tried Happy Lemon.
Happy Lemon, Happy everyday. :)
They have a variety of drinks and add-ons. Offered at an affordable price.
I included their menu so you can see. It was really good.
I had Cookies and Cream coffee and Mark had Green tea w/ rock salt and cheese.

We love exploring and keeping our relationship alive. 
Hope you guys have a good relationship with your boyfriends as well.
xx. Ana A. 

PS: I included the trailer of the movie so you can see. :) 

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