Sunday 21 April 2013

Bitter Part of my Summer

Summer vacation is suppose to be a getaway from school. 2 months of doing nothing but wasting time, swimming and having fun or maybe. Or maybe something absurd like what Phineas and Ferb does. LOL. Unfortunately, my summer this year turned out to be spending it in school. Don't get me wrong. I am not ranting as it is my choice to take up summer classes for ADVANCE subjects. I know it will be worth it. I also took up advance classes last summer sem but it was different. I got to spend it with my boyfriend as he did too. This time, he did not. Also, last sem, I only took up 2 subjects and had classes, MWF. This sem, just me plus 3 subjects and a Monday to Saturday class. The only thing I like about it is I get to have allowance everyday. :)) 

My classes always ends at 6PM. so my routine goes like: I wake up EARLY in the morning. Be in school until 6PM. I get home at around 7PM already. At night, I have to do my homework or study for my subject the next day. Sleep then wake up early again. Then the routine goes on. Sucks right? :( Again, don't get me wrong. HAHA. It is not really that hard. MWF, I only have a single subject 3:00-6:00PM. TThS, I have two subjects. 8:00-11:00 then 3:00-6:00. What do I do in the 4 hours in between? Thank goodness I have a fairy godmother this summer. :)) My friend Kate, has a dormitory which she still pays even though she's not using it since she went home to Bulacan this vacation. So she allowed me to use it during my spare hours. I get to sleep during the 4hours break. :)

But still, it is kind of stressing as I miss my social life. I miss spending time with my friends and my boyfriend. Today, I was actually suppose to attend Kate's birthday in Bulacan but my parents did not allow me since I have school from M-S. "Even God rested on the 7th day." Apart from that, it is also our 20th monthsary today. Luckily, I was able to squeeze in a vivid date with Mark. We went to mass at 4PM and had a "tea date" after. I am thankful that he does not complain that I cannot spend as much time with him. :)

I also felt like dressing up today but it slipped my mind to take an #ootd shot. (outfit of the day)
Maybe next time. Haha. 
But nevertheless, I am looking forward to our Puerto Prinsesa + El Nido trip this coming May.
I hope you have a better summer than I do. :( :))
xx. Ana A.

PS: My header finally got fixed. Yey!
The Bitter-Sweet Life. :)
(a long ranting post deserves a little editing, colors and highlights) :p

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